Ever heard of a drone light show? If you are like me, then the answer is probably no, until recently that is! The first ever recorded drone light show took place in Germany in 2016. It used five hundred drones and even broke a Guinness World Record! The most popular drone light show likely took place during the 2017 Super Bowl and showcased three hundred drones accompanying Lady Gaga’s performance.
What is a drone light show? A drone light show uses multiple, unmanned aerial drones, flying in a coordinated pattern for entertainment purposes. They are usually equipped with LED’s and held at night for public or private display. They use computer animation software that is transferred to flight patterns to create the choreography.
Now that you know what a drone light show is, let’s explore these amazing displays is more detail below. We will discuss how they work, what they look like, which companies create them, how much they cost to produce and how they differ from traditional firework displays! So, if you are ready to learn more about drone light shows, then please continue reading…
How does a Drone Light Show Work?
Intel is making headway with drone technology today. It was Intel that created the amazing ‘Shooting Stars’ display for Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl half time show (mentioned above). It took three hundred drones to make the ’flag in the air’ pattern that lit up the night sky in Houston, Texas on the eve of February 5, 2017.
Most drone light shows are often powered by Intel. These drones create illuminated pattern with choreographed designs that feature hundreds of aerial vehicles, creating stunning displays that appeal to people of all ages and cultures!
These drones usually ‘fly’ in a flocking or swarming pattern and can be coordinated to produce images, such as 3D shapes, logo or brand names and written messages, as well as light-up and firework-style displays. These images and displays are often set to music or live performances. The drones often come equipped with lights, fireworks and smoke generators.
Computer software sets the flight pattern for the drones and can be controlled from a single device. One operator can usually manage up to one hundred drones on one computer. The choreography is the result of 3D animation software that is transformed into flight paths. Lasers, beams and other attachment can be added as well for extra effect!
Other popular drone show companies (apart from Intel in the United States) include Ehang in China, Dronisos in France and Verity Studios in Switzerland. These companies have created innovative drone light shows for private and public entertainment and continue to pioneer the drone industry. Check out the following links for other great drone light show companies:
What does a Drone Light Show Look Like?
A drone light show is an amazing exhibit to behold! It brightens the night sky with amazing colors and stunning imagery. It begins with hundreds of lit-up drones taking flight. Once in the air, they create various patterns with 3D animation and are often accompanied by music or live performances. China has put on some of the most spectacular drone light shows to date. Here are a few of my favorites for you to check out:
526 drones light up the night sky in Guiyang, China at the International Data Industry Expo of 2019. Different patterns and 3D animations are brought to life in a bright and vivid light display of light and sound. Amazing and astonishing in its grandeur!
2000 drones take flight at the same time controlled by only one computer and sets a Guinness Book of World Records! The Intel show is innovative and ground-breaking in its technology. An absolute marvel to behold!
1374 drones set the night sky ablaze in Xian, China. High-tech pixels in the night sky create a huge curtain of light and color. Sixteen different patterns and icons come to life! It is a tremendous feat that is sure to take your breath away!
Why are Drone Light Shows So Expensive?
You may not realize that drone light shows are not only time-consuming but costly to create. You may be wondering why, as it is easy to purchase a drone on Amazon for around $100 and ‘let it fly’ within minutes of receiving it! Adding a few multi-colored lights and purchasing a software program to control them seems easy enough, right? Wrong! Let’s take a closer look at why this is so.
The problem lies not with the drones themselves but with the software. With modern technology today, it is fairly easy to buy a drone, purchase an app to automate its flight path add some cool LED lights and then research how to create your own light show. And, best of all, this can all be done online from the comfort of your own home.
Where it becomes problematic (and expensive) is when more than one drone is thrown into the mix! Trying to get all of the drones to take off at exactly the same time seems like a near impossible feat! A Latvia-based company called SPH Engineering has developed a solution to this problem called the Drone Dance Controller.
How The Drone Dance Controller works requires you to purchase a 3D animation software (of your choice) first. Next, you must convert each individual 3D shape from the software to a drone way-point file. Then, upload each file to the Drone Dance Controller. Finally, upload the Drone Dance Controller to the drones. Now you can see why this is a timely (and costly) procedure.
SPH Engineering offers a year-long license for the Drone Dance Controller at a price of $12,000 (ouch)! The also provide training for this license at an additional cost of $8,000 and to renew the license each year costs another $8,000! Also, you cannot use just any drone with this software. You need to build them yourself ‘from scratch’ and then configure them yourself as well. The basic materials for these drones cost around $600 any extra features you wish to add will cost even more!
In short, you need deep pockets and plenty of free time to afford this hobby. There are other ways to make your own light show at a fraction of the cost. We will discuss this in more detail below.
What Does a Drone Light Show Cost?
With the growing popularity of drone light shows, you may be wondering how much it costs to have a professional company create and execute a drone light show? According to those at the Drone Light Show Company in Los Angeles, California, “there is no standard price for a drone light show since every show is a custom project based on your event, your location, if the drone show is indoors or outdoors and what your budget is” (www.dronelightshowcompany.com).
Outdoor drone shows range anywhere from $13,400 to $55,400 (US), depending on your location and requirements. Indoor drone light shows range from $13,000 to $51,400 (US) and require special equipment. The shows begin at four minutes, with a typical run time lasting approximately eight minutes. Needless to say, this is quite costly, but if you (or your business) have the resources to cover it, then it is well worth it indeed!
Are Drone Light Shows Safe than Fireworks?

Overall, drone light shows are considered safer than fireworks. Drone light shows lessen the chance of wildfires. Exploding fireworks such as firecrackers, bottle rockets and roman candles can cause forest fires if the weather is hot and dry, especially in grassy areas.
Drone light shows also greatly reduce outside noise pollution levels. Fireworks make loud, crackling sounds that can cause fear, stress and anxiety, especially for young children and animals. Late at night, this can be an annoyance when trying to sleep.
Drones are also safer in that they do not pollute the air like fireworks do. Fireworks release metal particles, toxins, chemicals and smoke into the air that lingers for hours and even days. This is a health hazard for many, especially young children and older adults.
Drones can be reused, whereas as fireworks cannot. They are the safer, ‘green’ alternative to traditional firework displays. In time, drone light shows are likely to phase out fireworks completely, as technology continues to grow and improve. This will benefit both human beings and environment in the long run.
How is a Drone Light Show Different than Fireworks?
A drone light show differs from a fireworks display in that drones are reusable and do not produce any noise or air pollution. They cannot take place during heavy rain or strong winds whereas fireworks can. It is believed that eventually, with developing technology and growing popularity, drone light shows will replace firework display entirely.
In conclusion, drone light shows are an incredible spectacle to behold. They use multiple, unmanned aerial drones that fly in coordinated patterns for the purpose of advertising or entertainment. They are usually equipped with LED’s and displayed outdoors at night for both public and private viewing. They use computer animation software that is transferred to flight patterns to create the beautiful choreography. If you are ever lucky enough to see one live, you are truly in for a treat!
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